Kickstarter scheme Up and Running


The Government’s £2 billion Kickstart scheme launches today and I’m hoping local employers across South West Hertfordshire to sign up to provide Kickstart jobs.

Natural History Museum Tring Reopens

The Natural History Museum in Tring has reopened following closure due to Coronavirus. I was delighted to join staff and other members of the public looking at the Exhibits and urge other constituents to make the trip if they haven't already. 

Green Belt: Latest Planning Consultation

🌳🏡*Planning For The Future Reforms*🌳🏡

As many of you will be aware protecting the Green Belt is one of my top priorities. I know it is for my constituents too.

Are you South West Hertfordshire’s Best Small Shop?

Gagan Mohindra MP is calling on South West Hertfordshire’s small shopkeepers to enter the Best Small Shops Competition, celebrating the successes of small shops and the central role they play in their local community, particularly in response to Covid-19.